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Euphoria Finale

The new HBO series, Euphoria, came to an end last night and I don't know what to do. From episode one to eight, the creators and actors on this project did not disappoint.

When "Euphoria" was first announced, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. But in these 8 episodes, it completely blew my mind. In the first episode, I remember I paused to see how far I had gotten and was baffled at how I was only about 10-15 minutes in. I thought, "I have about 40 more minutes left, and I'm already blown away."

The show follows Rue Bennett, a 17-year old drug addict fresh out of rehab with no intention to stay clean... until she met Jules. Jules is a transgender girl who has the most free spirit you've ever seen, while still searching for her purpose in this world. Along with these two misguided souls, are the group of teens who are desperately trying to understand the trials and tribulations of life; Nate, Kat, Maddy, Cassie, McKay, and Lexi.

Enough background, lets get into this season finale.



"And Salt the Earth Behind You", episode 8, I thought was a beautiful way to wrap up the first season. We have seen Euphoria go back and forth between the past and present in order to give the audience the full picture of each character. These teens, go through traumatic experiences, that make the show (as I always describe it) RAW & UNCUT. It deals with rape, drugs, toxic relationships, sex, and trauma in a way that does not glamorize this life style in any way.

One thing I loved about each episode, was it's background information of each character. We learned about the life of these teens and why they are here at this point and time. What makes Cassie so easy to fall in love? Why is Jules so free and adventurous? Why does McKay feel pressured to be the best? They center and strategically place each character as a focus to allow audiences to feel connected, sympathize, and empathize with their emotions.


The two biggest parts of this episode that left me in awe was when 1). Nate has a breakdown and 2). Rue not wanting to go on the train.

To see Nate, portrayed by Jacob Elordi, expressing emotions of hurt and distress was uneasy and beautifully done. Throughout the season Nate has been the most disturbed and psychotic character on the show. From blackmail, to stalking, to being abusive, and just all together an "evil" guy, he finally let loose and became more vulnerable than ever. The emotion that Elordi was able to create is remarkable. He is not as strong or powerful as he thinks he is, and realizes he can not change his life no matter how much "control" he believes he has.

The last 15 minutes of the show circle around Rue. She suggests to Jules that they should run away from the troubles in the town and live freely together. However, upon reaching the threshold of the train entrance, Rue thinks of what she'll be leaving behind. Her mom, Leslie, and sister, Gia. Through all of her ups and downs, the two people who were there from beginning to end were those two.

As Rue watches the train leave, and the camera pans away, we hear Leslie's voice as the scene shifts back the church from the beginning scene. Then in classic Euphoria form, we go through an in depth, emotional flashbacks of Rue's life; one of her first encounters of abusing pill usage, Gia finding her unconscious from overdosing, Rue and Gia with their mom and dad smiling with pure joy, the dark times when Leslie was there for Rue. We then see heated arguments between Rue and her mom. Pushing, cursing, Gia in the middle of the chaos. Then if the sequence didn't break you heart enough... the infamous burgundy jacket is her[Rue]dad's.

Overwhelmed with emotion and not knowing how to handle it... Rue goes back to her old ways.


Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed Euphoria. I think it shows that teens can also go through hardships and experience adult-like situations. Luckily, IT HAS BEEN RENEWED FOR A SEASON!!!

What do want to see in the next season? Who is your favorite character?

What is your thoughts on "Rules?

Who is a underrated character in your opinion?

Let me know1 And thank you so so so so much for reading :)

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