Mamma Mia! Production by the Red Mountain Theatre Company
Having the time of your life! See that cast! Watch that scene! Digging the remarkable show presented by the Red Mountain Theatre Company in Birmingham, Alabama. I've seen my share productions by the RMTC and I must say this is my favorite! From beginning to end, the cast exhibit an A+ performance. A couple of aspects that stood out was the use of radiant lighting, the chemistry between the actors, and the electric choreography.
Throughout the show, I was smiling from ear to ear. The use of the stage makes your eyes wander and want to see everything you can. Choreographer/ Director, Henry Scott, truly went above and beyond with this musical. Scott has worked in previous productions at the RMTC such as Dreamgirls and Les Miserables. The energy the cast displayed was something that sent chills down my spine. It is evident that they truly enjoyed every second of the show, as did I.​
Let's talk about this chemistry! The relationships between Natalie Collins (Donna Sheridan) and Maya Musial (Sophie Sheridan), Musial and Adam Maggio (Sky), Toy Matthews (Rosie) and Kristi Tingle Higginbotham (Tonya) pretty much every character encounter was genuine and lovely to watch. The chemistry and attraction felt genuine as an audience member.
Overall, as you can possibly tell, I thoroughly enjoyed the show. Red Mountain Theatre Company you have a yet another hit! Make sure you go see Mamma Mia July 13 - August 4 at Dorothy Jemison Day Theatre.
Photo Credit: Stewart Edmunds